Sári Gusztáv Általános Iskoláért Alapítvány
Sári Gusztáv Általános Iskola

4183 Kaba, Kossuth u. 2.
adószám: 19124564-1-09
számlaszám: 61400117-13348500-00000000
nyilvántartási szám: 09-01-0000309

V4 Gen Mini-Grants - Visegrádi Alap - Visegrádi Alap (visegradfund.org) logo

What is the project about?

We plan a six day journey to Hungary for the students from Poland Dzierzkowice. A group of pupils from Hungary Kaba will travel to Poland Dzierzkowice to a six day journey too. We organize programmes for them in our town Kaba. The Polish children will be able to get to know the values and the sights in our town, for example the special stones that commemorate the meteor which fell in the village of Kaba, in 1857. They will spend time with our children end strengthen and connection between our towns. We want to invite them to meeting with our folk dance groupe. They will take parte in cooking study circle, make and taste some of our national dishes. We will invite local craftsman, who will show them how to make things from leather. The children will be allowed to prepare things from leather themselves and they will take these things home. The guest students will spend a day in our school and in the local spa. We will visit ostrich farm and a farm which grows herbs in the neighbouring village. They will go on a trip to Hortobagy and learn about our Hungarian national traditions. We would like to organize a common drawing competition for both the Polish and Hungarian kids about what they would show to their guests in their own towns. The drawings will be shown in an exhibition in both towns. The number of the participants from each country will be 14 pupils and 3 teachers. The age of the pupils are beatween 12-15.

1. Sári Gusztáv Általános Iskoláért Alapítvány / Foundation for Gusztáv Sári Primary School
Kossuth utca 2, 4183, Kaba, Hungary

2. Primary School Peasant Battalions in Terpentynie
Zespól Placówek Oswiatowych im. Batalionów Chlopskichw Terpentynie Terpentyna 182, Dzierzkowice, 23-251, Poland